Sync fallout shelter between android and pc
Sync fallout shelter between android and pc

sync fallout shelter between android and pc sync fallout shelter between android and pc

The menu graphics are perfectly beautiful. Sort of how every non-PC simulation game is.Īlso, it’s an offline game (with cloud save available) so all those long hours without internet or with a low battery will finally pay off. But in general, it lacks detailing and depth. You’ll be hooked and even more so if you’re a fan of simulations and controlling your own little system. The looksįallout: Shelter is a game that lacks detail. Some monsters and certain attributes, among other smaller things, are similar or the same as those in the main series. Sure, the post-apocalyptic theme is preserved (and that’s the sole reason for naming this franchise “Fallout”). Are these creepy smiles unsettling?īethesda (developers of the original Fallout titles, DOOM, Elder Scrolls franchise, Dishonored, Wolfenstein, etc.) partnered with Behaviour Interactive (of the Warhammer 40,000 fame) to build this Unity-based post-apocalyptic simulation game back in 2015.įallout Shelter has little in common with the PC/console Fallout main series. Some dwellers have high intelligence so they are better in scientific work while others have high strength, making them suitable for power generators, for example.Īs is the case with simulation games (think Sims, for example), you have to keep your citizens happy by meeting their requirements (which in this case include food, water, and power). You can direct your dwellers to different Rooms within the Vault depending on what they do best. You cannot sync between platforms ( though there’s a workaround if you’re interested).

sync fallout shelter between android and pc

Fallout Shelter is a resource-management, simulation game running cross-platform on smartphones (Android and iOS), Windows devices, and consoles (PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch).

Sync fallout shelter between android and pc